Repair Shop Appointment Schedule
How to Use Repair Shop Appointment Schedule
The Car Dealership I work at has Two Different Facilities; an Office and a Repair Facility. The problem was that there was absolutely No communication between the Office and the Repair Facility. Whenever a customer would need to get something repaired, they would call in and tell me what day they wanted to come in. Then when they would come, I would have to bring them to the Repair Facility and see if any of the Mechanics were available.
Often times, The Mechanics would be busy and the customer would wait hours for the Mechanic to be available or they would have to come back another day.
I created a sheet that the Mechanics would have access to so they would be able to tell me if they are busy working on the Dealerships Cars, and I would be able to schedule appointments with Customers.
The Great thing about this program is that it is very simple, easy to learn, and does what it is made to do perfectly. This sheet is arranged with the day of the week on the Columns and Name of the Mechanics as the Sub-Columns. There are Three Mechanics.
The Mechanics will need to see their Schedule to see if they are going to be working on one of the Dealership's cars. For example, Larry Knows that on Monday he will be busy repairing a Lexus from 9:30-11:30. He needs to check out the hours he will be busy from. All he has to do is click the box, and automatically the box will be checked.
My job is to be on the phone answering phone calls. When a customer calls in to get their car repaired, I take their name, their cars name, and the problem they have with their car. Then, into the cell with the corresponding Day and Time, I write the time and leave a comment with all the information about the appointment.
All the Mechanics have access to this sheet and they See all the changes that are made.
Continue throughout the week...
There is another Problem we have at the Dealership.The Mechanics constantly order new parts and the people who deliver the parts always come to the office to drop them off and then I pay them. Before I pay them, I need to make sure it is the right part. Then I have to Hunt down the mechanic who ordered it and make sure it is the right part. Once I know it is the right part, I write the check.
To make My life easier, I put a section where the mechanics can add the parts they order so that I can just look at the sheet to make sure it was the right order. Now I do not need to walk back and forth to get anything done!
Once I need to add a new week, all I need to do is duplicate a sheet that has not been filled out yet, and rename the Name to the next week.
Ever Since We Implemented this Program, there has been much less confusion between the Repair Facility and The Office. It a much better place to work!